Service Offerings

We combine operations expertise and proven methodologies with transformative technologies to deliver a new standard of sustainable operational excellence. By working to model data that precisely and thoroughly represents underlying operational processes and trends in your business, we ensure accurate and relevant solutions that can be fully applied to your business. The result is a new standard of operational excellence based on accurate, in-depth insights gained through advanced analytics and artificial intelligence.

Intelligent Demand Forecasting

Generate more accurate forecasts to improve sales and operations planning through advanced analytics and machine learning. Improve production planning, reduce inventory holding costs and reduce stock-outs while minimizing waste and obsolescence at the same time.

Automated Quality Control

Increase the quantity of orders that meet higher quality standards by reducing output variability. Machine learning models are trained to predict optimal settings for input parameters with the goal of ensuring a more consistent output and decreasing frequent manual adjustments.

Dynamic Throughput Optimization

Increase product throughput and yield. We maximize production by continuously adjusting controllable variables based on the sensor readings of non-controllable process parameters.

Predictive Maintenance

Identify imminent failure patterns through real-time analysis of multiple parameters, allowing proactive maintenance scheduling and thereby minimizing risk of unscheduled downtime.

Automated Customer Segmentation

Automatically identify clusters in your customer base that share commonalities that may not be apparent, revealing segment profitability, improving customer relationships and enabling better price differentiation.

Sentiment of Customer

Automatically extract insights from unstructured data to segment customers, streamline customer service, or troubleshoot issues with products or processes in the organization. Autocategorize problem experiences in real-time with social media monitoring.

Operational Transformation

Drive sustainable operational improvement and tangible financial results. We ensure transference and ownership to changes in process, tools and behaviors with our expertise in operational consulting that is both technical and tactical.

Managed Services

Enable sustainable results through ongoing external monitoring and timely intervention in support of key metrics, process and performance. This offers clients a way to have continued support after project conclusion.